In Puebla de Don Fadrique, as in other regions of the Altiplano Granadino, there are numerous evidence and vestiges of a heritage characterized by its historical and cultural value.
The Molino Machero is one more example of the miracle of the powers of water, and many civilizations have made use of it. The first data on water mills are due to Vitruvius in the 1st century, who describes the use of the wheel mill that existed in Persia and on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. In the tenth century, they became widespread due to the increase of the urban population and we are almost sure that by that time our mill would already give the use of the Goddess Mola and her brothers, although the art of milling was attributed to Ceres.
But let us return to our mill, we find that the first written data in the council of Puebla, we see them in the General Answers of the Cadastre of the Marqués de la Ensenada in 1752, although almost certainly we would find vestiges before, for its so strategic situation. Well, in the answer number 17 it says that: “Immediación de esta puebla se encuentran seis molinos de pan de moler,….., cuatro son del consejo, y de los otros uno es propiedad al Mayorazgo que posee Don Antonio de Fontes y Carrillo, vecino de la Ciudad de Murcia como marido y conjunta persona de Doña Lucía Riquelme y Serrano y la utilidad que por ambas le regulan son 70 fanegas de trigo”.
We invite the wanderer to discover this land and thousands of stories amidst the aromas of rosemary and thyme that awaken the dormant imagination, soothed by the sedative effects of this mountainous nature, and the sound of water flowing over stones and vegetation.